homesteading tips
Nothing is quite as satisfying as growing, raising, and making the food you need and love. If you are looking for homesteading tips to help you live a more self-sufficient lifestyle, this guide will help in all areas. Homesteading is more than gardening; it can also include raising chickens, livestock, bees, and much more.
From starting a homestead to taking your skills to the next level, how to make money on your homestead so you can supplement your household income doing what you love.
Easy tips that will help you grow is our approach at Simple Living Country Gal. Work your way down each item, checking things off as you go.
Deciding to start a homestead is an exciting time, and no matter where you live, you can do things that will help you to be more self-sufficient. If you are still on the fence as to wether homesteading is the right fit for you, let’s start at the beginning.
What does homesteading mean?
Homesteading is all about self-sufficiency and living off the land. It involves growing your own food, preserving it for later use, and often constructing your own shelter. Some people choose this lifestyle to save money or be more environmentally friendly, while others really enjoy the challenge of providing for themselves.
The approach you choose is all up to you, and we will break it all down so you can get started in the area that resonates with you most.
Before you start homesteading, there are a few things to be aware of. Know what the laws are in your area and what you can do regarding animals, gardening, and adding buildings. Research is crucial and something I want to encourage you to do always.
- How to Prepare for Homesteading
- How to Start a Homestead
- Checklist for Starting a Homestead
- 7 Steps to Take Before You Begin Your Homesteading Journey
- Homesteading on a Budget
- Beginner Homestead Projects
- Simple Homestead Living
- Homesteading Skills List
- Beginner Homestead Mistakes to Avoid
- Homestead Must Haves
- Starting a Homestead From Scratch
- Setting up a Homestead Budget
Homestead Layouts
Knowing how to organize the layout of your homestead can help you to make the most of the land you have to work with.
Homesteading Resources
Learning and growing is something homesteaders are constantly doing. Here are resources to help you grow your skills and knowledge with animals, gardening, and more.
- Best Self-Sufficiency Books
- Books on Self-Reliance
- My Top Homesteading Books to Have on Your Homestead
- Best Books on Urban Homesteading
- Planning Projects on the Homestead
- How to Vacation When You Have a Farm
- Homesteading Hacks
- Homestead Planning
- Homesteading Basics
Easier Ways to homestead
The older I get the more I am looking for ways to make doing the things I love easier on my back, knees, and schedule. These tips will help you in midlife to keep up with a lifestyle you truly love. From gardening to livestock, easier homesteading is the answer!
- Self-Sufficient Homestead Checklist
- 15 Ways to Homestead Anywhere
- 5 Surprisingly Simple Tips From the Homestead
- Small-Scale Homestead Ideas
Unique Ways to Homestead
The good news is you do not need to live on 100+ acres to be a homesteader. You can homestead anywhere. From the suburbs to an apartment balcony the opportunities are endless when the traditional rules are thrown out the window.
- Apartment Homesteading
- Suburban Homesteading Ideas
- Starting a Homestead Without Money
- Winter Homestead Projects
- City Homesteading
- Practical Homesteading
Homesteading Gifts and Wares
All your hard work is paying off! Share it with others around you as gifts, education, or even a way to barter help from neighbors and family.
- Homemade Gifts Made Easy
- Gifts for Homesteaders
- Salsa Garden Recipe
- How to Can Salsa
- How to Can Applesauce for Beginners
- Canning Salsa Recipes
Homesteading Animals
Adding animals can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. You can start small and improve your skills as you grow in confidence. Let’s discuss the most common livestock you may want to consider adding to your homestead setup.
- Best Animals for Homesteading
- Low-Maintenance Farm Animals
- Keeping Animals Cool in Hot Weather
- Livestock Feed Storage Containers
- How to Choose Best Homesteading Animals
- Barn Cleaning Tips
- Best Animals for 1 Acre Homestead
- What is the Difference Between Hay and Straw
- Best Farm Animals for Beginners
- Farm Fence Ideas
- What is the Deep Litter Method
- Are Goats or Sheep Easier to Raise
Make money homesteading
Bringing in an income is a great way to turn your love of self-sufficiency into financial support for your household. There are many different ways to make money, from selling produce from your garden to renting your buck for breeding.
Food Preservation
Filling your freezer and pantry with fresh amazing produce is one of those projects most homesteaders have on their end of summer to-do list. These guides will help you to preserve the food you worked so hard to grow.
Reuse, repurpose, DIY
Saving money is a core belief of homesteaders, and when you can learn to do more with what you already have, it can help the bottom line. Here are a few resourceful tips to try.
- Simple Frugal Living Tips
- How to Use Wood Ash on Homestead
- How to Compost Indoors
- DIY Cleaners From the Amish
- DIY Homestead Projects
- Backyard Homestead Ideas
- Thrifty Homesteader Tips
- Easy Way to Get Rid of Fruit Flies
- DIY Recipes for the Homestead
Project List for Year on the Homestead
Homesteading takes work, and many times, tasks fall through the cracks. That is where a to-do list comes in. A list of things that you can do each month of the year to ensure you are staying on top of what needs done.
- January Homesteading To-Do List
- Homesteading April To-Do List
- Homestead Daily Schedule
- June Homesteading To-do List
- July Homesteading To-Do List
- August Homesteading To-Do List
- September Homesteading To-Do List
- November Homesteading To-Do List
Homesteading is such a wonderful way to be more in control of the food you eat. Preparing your self and your home before you begin will help to make this journey a more enjoyable one. If you only do one thing from this list, you will have made progress, and that is a win to celebrate!
Use this page as a resource for homesteading tips that you can come back to again and again.
Love these Homesteading Books!
The Old Farmer’s Almanac Vegetable Gardener’s Handbook (Old Farmer’s Almanac (Paperback))Small-Scale Homesteading: A Sustainable Guide to Gardening, Keeping Chickens, Maple Sugaring, Preserving the Harvest, and More
40 Projects for Building Your Backyard Homestead: A Hands-on, Step-by-Step Sustainable-Living Guide (Creative Homeowner) Fences, Chicken Coops, Sheds, Gardening, and More for Becoming Self-Sufficient
The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre!
The Backyard Homestead Guide to Raising Farm Animals: Choose the Best Breeds for Small-Space Farming, Produce Your Own Grass-Fed Meat, Gather Fresh … Rabbits, Goats, Sheep, Pigs, Cattle, & Bees
The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner: What to Do & When to Do It in the Garden, Orchard, Barn, Pasture & Equipment Shed