simple living Country gal
Midlife tips for simple living
simple living country gal
Tracy Lynn is the founder of Simple Living Country Gal and Our Simple Homestead. Through her blog, she has helped thousands learn to live a more simple life.
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Organize Paper Clutter
How to Organize Paper Clutter in 6 Easy Steps so you can create a system in your home for the papers that are always coming in. Get tips on how to streamline your files, control the mess, and keep paper from taking over your home. Add this list to your guide to simple living and…
Backyard Chicken Predators
If you worry about the safety of your hens, then this article on avoiding backyard chicken predators may have the tips you need to help. Tips we have used in our home backyard coop to help keep the local animals away from our flock. When raising chickens you want to do whatever you can to…
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Garden Help you Need!
Growing veggies can be tricky but it doesn’t have to be without Quick Grow Guides. One page will show you when to plant, how to space your seeds, growing care, pest prevention, harvest and more! Get all of our bundles and setup your garden binder today!