Homestead Daily Schedule

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Do you long for a simpler life but are not sure you can do the work physically? If so, this article is for you! Get a look at a sample homestead daily schedule so you can see how easy it is to live a simpler life no matter how old or physically challenged your are.

Homesteading tips for middle-aged women and empty nesters who struggle with space, time, and aching backs.

Homestead Daily Schedule

Homesteading brings to mind days from the past- a call back to simpler times when life was slower and trips to the store were few and far between. If you are a middle-aged woman or an empty nester who is drawn to a homesteading life, crafting a daily schedule that works for you can be the secret to getting started.

This guide will give you an overview of helpful tasks, daily required chores, and shortcut tips that will help you make them work for your situation and time of life.

Why a Daily Schedule is Essential for Homesteaders

Routine is the secret to keeping things flowing when you have a homestead. It allows you to complete all your tasks while finding joy in what you are doing without getting tired or overwhelmed.

Yes, it’s true that living a simple lifestyle requires more work, but the work is small compared to working longer hours at a job to pay for modern conveniences. Is it more work to sweep a floor with a broom and dustpan than having a Roomba do it? Yes, but is that price tag worth the $300 for that convenience? Well, only you can answer that question.

a midlife woman watering a garden near to a grey cottage homestead

Creating a Homestead Daily Schedule

Ask yourself, “Why do I want a homestead?” Your answer will help you customize a daily routine that works not just on paper but with your lifestyle. Let’s break it down.

Assessing Personal Goals and Priorities

Start by identifying what you envision your homestead to be. Is it a sanctuary for self-sustainability, a place to grow organic produce, or do you want to raise livestock for dairy and meat? Your goals become the guide for your daily tasks.

Identifying Essential Tasks and Chores

Certain chores need to be done every day without fail. Things like feeding the chickens, milking a dairy goat, or watering your garden. With each goal comes a list of daily things that need to be done no matter what your plans are for the day ahead. Understanding this will help you choose the goals you are willing to do the work for.

Midlife woman petting a goat on a homestead with chickens

Keep a work/life balance

Segment your day so you have time for things you love as well as work. Your garden, animals, and home demand different pieces of your day, and you, an essential component who needs nurturing and daily self-care, also demands a piece.

Sample Homestead Daily Schedule

Let’s take a look at a sample day on a homestead to help you see what is needed for a self-reliant lifestyle.

  • 6:00 AM – Wake up, morning routine, coffee
  • 6:30 AM – Feed and tend to animals
  • 7:30 AM – Breakfast and family time
  • 8:30 AM – Gardening and plant care
  • 10:00 AM – Home care, general maintenance and small projects
  • 12:00 PM – Healthy lunch and rest
  • 1:00 PM – Focus on craft or homestead business
  • 5:00 – Prepping for dinner
  • 6:30 PM – Feed and close up animals for the night
  • 7:00 PM – Wind down, planning for tomorrow

Your schedule will evolve to fit the shape of your life; remember, no two homesteads are the same, even if the goals are.

Homesteading Kits to Try!

Heaven's Harvest Survival Seed Bank Kit (Over 25,000) Fruit & Vegetable Non-GMO Heirloom Seeds for Planting a 3+ Acre Home Garden. 100% Secure: Emergency Weather-Proof Bucket (1-Pack)Heaven’s Harvest Survival Seed Bank Kit (Over 25,000) Fruit & Vegetable Non-GMO Heirloom Seeds for Planting a 3+ Acre Home Garden. 100% Secure: Emergency Weather-Proof Bucket (1-Pack)Heaven's Harvest Survival Seed Bank Kit (Over 25,000) Fruit & Vegetable Non-GMO Heirloom Seeds for Planting a 3+ Acre Home Garden. 100% Secure: Emergency Weather-Proof Bucket (1-Pack)Electric Mason Jar Vacuum Sealer Kit ,Handheld Food Vacuum Sealer and Accessory Hose Set for Food Storage with Regular & Wide Mouth Mason Jars ,Kitchen ToolsElectric Mason Jar Vacuum Sealer Kit ,Handheld Food Vacuum Sealer and Accessory Hose Set for Food Storage with Regular & Wide Mouth Mason Jars ,Kitchen ToolsElectric Mason Jar Vacuum Sealer Kit ,Handheld Food Vacuum Sealer and Accessory Hose Set for Food Storage with Regular & Wide Mouth Mason Jars ,Kitchen ToolsSuperbaking Bread Proofing Basket, Round 9 inch Sourdough Starter Kit, Proofing Basket for Bread baking, Bread Making Supplies Tools, Banneton Basket Gift SetSuperbaking Bread Proofing Basket, Round 9 inch Sourdough Starter Kit, Proofing Basket for Bread baking, Bread Making Supplies Tools, Banneton Basket Gift SetSuperbaking Bread Proofing Basket, Round 9 inch Sourdough Starter Kit, Proofing Basket for Bread baking, Bread Making Supplies Tools, Banneton Basket Gift SetHerb Grow Kit, 10 Herb Seeds DIY Garden Starter Kit, Complete Potted Plant Growing Set Including White Pots, Markers, Nutritional Soil, Watering, Clipper for Kitchen HerbHerb Grow Kit, 10 Herb Seeds DIY Garden Starter Kit, Complete Potted Plant Growing Set Including White Pots, Markers, Nutritional Soil, Watering, Clipper for Kitchen HerbHerb Grow Kit, 10 Herb Seeds DIY Garden Starter Kit, Complete Potted Plant Growing Set Including White Pots, Markers, Nutritional Soil, Watering, Clipper for Kitchen Herb


Tips for Maintaining a Homestead Daily Schedule

Here are some practical tips to help you maintain a daily schedule that keeps everything running smoothly:

#1. Start Early: Embrace the early morning hours to tackle essential tasks before the day gets busy. This could include tending to animals, checking crops, or preparing breakfast for the family.

Read: How to Simplify Your Kitchen

#2. Create a To-Do List: Jot down tasks for the day, prioritizing essential chores and projects. This will help you stay organized and ensure nothing important slips through the cracks.

#3. Allocate Time for Chores: Set aside specific time slots for chores such as milking, feeding animals, gardening, and maintenance. Having dedicated time for each task helps prevent feeling overwhelmed by the workload.

#4. Meal Planning: Plan meals ahead of time to streamline cooking and minimize stress during busy periods. Consider batch cooking and using fresh produce from your garden for nutritious, farm-to-table meals.

#5. Take Breaks: Don’t forget to schedule short breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge. Breaks allow you to be kind to your body, as well as help to avoid burnout. If you feel a backache coming on, stop and lie down until you feel well enough to start again. Self-care at any age is important to living a more active homesteading life.

A woman in a white shirt leaning on a shovel holding her sore back

#6. Flexibility is Key: Homesteading often presents unexpected challenges. Stay flexible and be prepared to adjust your schedule as needed. This will limit frustrations when you need to stop and fix a fence or tend to a hurt animal.

#7. Family Time: Make time for family activities every day. Whether it’s a shared meal, a nature walk, or working together on a project, fostering family connections is an important part of homesteading.

#8. Reflect and Plan: Take a few minutes at the end of each day to reflect on what went well and what could be improved. Use this time to plan for the next day, adjusting your schedule as necessary.

#9. Self-Care: Don’t overlook your own well-being. Schedule time for self-care activities, whether it’s doing stretches, reading a book, or enjoying a game or a hobby. All work and no play can turn homesteading into a chore instead of a joy.

#10. Embrace Seasonal Changes: Recognize that your daily schedule may shift with the changing seasons. Be prepared to adapt your routine to accommodate seasonal tasks and weather challenges.

Remember, maintaining a homestead is a labor of love, and finding a balance in your daily schedule is important to keeping up with your lifestyle.

Yes, it’s true that homesteading has a list of chores that need to be done every day. By having a daily homesteading schedule, you can use it as your guide, ensuring each area gets the attention it needs. From caring for your plants, feeding and tending your animals, and taking time for yourself you can live a simple life that is productive and rewarding.

More Homesteading Tips:

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  1. Love your schedule! As I get older I’ve been trying to simplify things too, and I am constantly tweaking my schedule… and my endless to-do lists! I think the point you made about seasonal changes is so true… it’s summer here in Australia and I’m busy with the garden, canning and such… once that is over it’ll be more time for sewing… Found you via the Homestead Blog Hop! xx

    1. Welcome Joy!
      So fun to meet someone from the other side of the world in a completely different season. I am in hibernation time and so anxious for spring and gardening!
      Tracy Lynn

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