simple living Country gal
Midlife tips for simple living
simple living country gal
Tracy Lynn is the founder of Simple Living Country Gal and Our Simple Homestead. Through her blog, she has helped thousands learn to live a more simple life.
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Livestock Feed Storage Containers
Over the years on our homestead, we’ve tried several livestock feed storage containers, some we loved and some, well, not so much. If you have a homestead, then you understand the costs that go into animal care. Finding ways to protect that feed and your money is not only helpful; it’s crucial. Read our list…
How Many Chickens Do I Need?
Today, we’ll break down the question, “How many chickens do I need?” so you can figure out the perfect number for your family and home. Not all chickens are created equal, so having an idea of the breed, the eggs they lay, and what all goes into their care will help you narrow down the…
Get the
Garden Help you Need!
Growing veggies can be tricky but it doesn’t have to be without Quick Grow Guides. One page will show you when to plant, how to space your seeds, growing care, pest prevention, harvest and more! Get all of our bundles and setup your garden binder today!