Declutter Your Schedule-Get More Done In Less Time
How to declutter your schedule so you can love your days instead of dreading them. Clear up your schedule, drop unnecessary commitments, and create a daily game plan you can actually follow.
Keep these easy tips near to help you live a simple life. One that is helpful, encouraging, and allows you to find a work life balance.
Isn’t it funny how we all have the same 24 hours, yet some people seem to accomplish so much more? You probably know someone like that— their home is always neat, bills are paid on time, dinner is made daily (seriously, how?!), they’ve got little kids, and they even work a job.
How do they manage to get so much done while you’re left feeling overwhelmed? Here’s the good news—it’s not about waking up at 2 a.m. every day or pulling off some superhuman feat.
The secret? It’s simpler than you think. It’s all about decluttering. Not your home this time, but your schedule.
It sounds simple because it is.
Make a To-Do List That Actualy Works
Ever feel like your to-do list isn’t working for you? If you do, you are not alone, many people feel that way. The reason is that many times our to-do lists are often cluttered with daily tasks that, while necessary, don’t need to be there.
These routine items can distract from the important things that truly need your attention. Think about that for just a second.
Let’s say, for example, you have 9 tasks that need your attention today.
- Make the bed
- Do the dishes
- Fill out loan documents
- Start dinner
- Sign papers for a field trip
- Iron Hubby’s shirt for work
- Feed the dog
- Set up a budget for the month
- Call mom for her Birthday
Some of the tasks on our example list are quick and easy while others require more time and attention.
When you have a list like the example above, it tends to give equal importance to everything on it. Meaning, the chore of making the bed appears to be just as important as filling out loan documents.
It can also be easy with this style of list to do the simple tasks first. This is because we want to be productive each day and for many of us, being productive means checking items off of our list.
Plan With Intention
I want to help you see your to-do list differently. Instead of trying to check off as many tasks as possible, shift your focus to tackling the most important ones first.
Sounds simple, right? But how do you actually make it happen?
The answer is to revamp, prioritize, and plan your days with intention. This small adjustment is the secret to being more productive every single day. It’s surprisingly easy and works better than you’d expect. By tweaking your to-do list, you’ll not only get more done, but you’ll also stay focused and avoid unnecessary distractions.
How to Declutter Your Schedule
Start decluttering your schedule by making a master list—it’ll help you spot what needs your attention and where to make adjustments. Let’s break it down.
Step #1 Do a brain dump
A brain dump is the process of getting all the things that are taking up space in your head down onto paper. When you write something down, you are, in a sense, giving it a voice and that allows you to stop worrying about this task because you know you are taking a step towards getting it completed.
This action helps to cut the stress that a cluttered mind always seems to bring. Take right now for instance. Are you reading this article word for word? Or, rather, is your head in another place thinking of something else that needs your attention while your eyes are only looking at the words.
A perfect to-do list will keep your head present and in the moment so you are better able to focus on what you are doing right here, right now. This will also keep you from having to reread paragraphs more than once or having to ask a friend to repeat what she just said.
By always being in the moment you will absorb more and forget less.
How to Do a Brain Dump
- Grab a pen and paper, and find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed.
- Start writing down everything on your mind—all your tasks, ideas, and to-dos, big or small. Don’t overthink it, just get it all out.
- Keep going until your mind feels clear and your list feels complete.
SLCG Pro Tip: Creating a dump list does take time and you may want to let your list sit out for a time so you can add to it as another task comes to mind. I like to leave mine out on the kitchen counter so I know right were it is allowing me to add tasks throughout the day.
Step #2 Prioritize your list
Once you’ve completed your brain dump, take a good look at it. You’ll probably notice some minor tasks mixed in with more important ones. The next step is to make those top priorities stand out.
How to Prioritize a To-Do List:
- Take a highlighter and go through your list.
- Highlight the items that need your attention first. Things that either have a deadline or are pressing on your mind.
If you have tasks that are important but not urgent, use a second color to mark them. The colors are meant to be helpful allowing you focus on what truly matters while keeping the rest organized.
Here’s an example of a color-coding system that works well without overwhelming you:
- PINK – Top priority
- YELLOW – Medium priority
- NO COLOR – Low priority
Step #2 Delegate the most important
The kind of delegating I’m referring to isn’t about handing your to-do list over to your spouse or kids (although, wouldn’t that be amazing?). This is about assigning each task from your brain dump list to a specific day.
Turning your tasks into a real schedule helps you stay productive without feeling overwhelmed.
How to Delegate a To-Do List:
- Go through each item on your list and choose the most important items that have a deadline for the week ahead.
- Assign each task to a specific day to ensure it gets done.
- Continue until you feel you have scheduled out enough tasks for the week without overwhelming yourself.
Delegating is an insider tip and one that will have you getting so much more done in a fraction of the time. By assigning a day for each priority task you remove the nagging in your head allowing you to work on the list with a completely focused mind.
Ever feel like your to-do list grows faster than you can check things off? These Midlife Productivity Tips will help you make time for everything—without feeling drained.
Step #3 Manage your Tasks
I don’t know about you, but there is nothing worse than beginning a project only to find it is taking longer than planned. This is just so frustrating to me and I am left with only three choices.
- Do a rushed, half-done job.
- Postpone it and risk forgetting about it.
- Abandon it altogether.
But here’s the good news—you can avoid all of this by setting a time estimate for each priority task.
How to Prioritize Tasks on a To-Do List:
- For each highlighted task, jot down how long you think it’ll take to finish. Use minutes, hours, days, or a mix for accuracy.
- If a project will span multiple days, break it down into parts. For example:
- “Project Name – Part 1”
- “Project Name – Part 2”
- “Project Name – Part 3”
Knowing the time needed for each task helps you plan ahead and ensures you can complete projects without the stress or frustration of running out of time.
Step #4 finish before you check it done
I have this friend we will call her Sally. She would always say things like. “My house is completely cleaned, I just need to dust.” or “I have all of my holiday shopping done, except for my Husband.” or “We are completely debt-free, except for one small credit card.”
The funny thing is, this to her was DONE.
She believed she did just enough to complete the item on her list and she was ready to move on. But, what did that actually leave her with?
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Unfinished high-priority tasks paired with unnecessary to-dos can quickly derail your progress. It’s incredibly counterproductive to leave tasks half-done, especially when they hold up the projects that matter most.
The key? Attack each task with focus, see it through to the end, and only then mark it as done. Complete it fully—no loose ends—before you move on. That’s how you maintain momentum and stay productive.
Step #5 Set your day up for success
Don’t let daily distractions determine the progress of your day.
Does this sound like you?
You head down to the bathroom to collect the dirty clothes, on the way you see a drinking glass in the family room. You go in to pick it up and notice a few DVDs on the TV stand. You collect those and put them away. Next, you see the pillows are on the floor so you pick them up and put them back on the couch. Then you grab the blanket and put it away as well. Finally, you take the glass into the kitchen and put it in the dishwasher.
Oh dear, the sink is stacked with dirty dishes.
You get busy loading up the dishwasher and while you are there you grab a cup of coffee take a sip and think….what was I doing again???
If this sounds like you, you are not alone. Daily distractions happen to the best of us. The trick is to find a way to keep our heads focused and in the game. This is the key to productivity.
Staying on task will allow you to get more done.
The easiest way to do this is to use block scheduling. If you are new to this style of productivity, you can ready how to get started with block scheduling here.
What is block scheduling?
Block scheduling is a time management method where you divide your day into dedicated blocks of time for specific tasks or activities. Instead of switching between tasks constantly, you focus only on one type of work during each block, such as paying the bills, doing the laundry, or running errands.
This approach helps you to stay focused and be more productive during your days.
Use a bold color on your calendar to highlight a block of time for high priority tasks you need to get finished on a particular day. your planned commitments for the day. This makes them easy to spot and serves as a mental cue to stay focused on the task until the time block ends.
Blocking out sections of time in your schedule is HUGE.
- Messy house? Set aside 3 hours every Saturday, and it’ll always get cleaned.
- Behind on bills? Reserve a few hours every Friday morning to tackle them and check it off your list.
- Too many errands? Dedicate one afternoon after work to handle everything for the week—no more forgotten tasks.
If you’re looking to get more done, block scheduling might be just what you need. There’s something about having a ticking clock that keeps you focused and on track until your time block is finished—it’s incredibly motivating.
Step #6: Start and End Your Day Right
A solid morning and evening routine can transform your to-do list. By tackling a few daily chores consistently, you’ll free up more time for the tasks that truly matter.
Think about it—are laundry, dishes, or clutter constantly lingering on your list? Does an unmade bed greet you each morning? These are everyday tasks we all share. When you build them into your routine, they become second nature—no extra thought needed. The best part? You’ll have more energy and focus for the bigger priorities on your list.
No more hitting snooze and rushing through your morning. Learn How to Create the Perfect Morning Routine and feel your best from the moment you wake up.
How to Create a Morning Routine:
- Make a list of easy tasks that you can do before you start your day.
- Write a time that you feel it will take to complete that task.
- Add up all the times you have listed so you can see when you want to wake up.
- Choose a wake up time that will give you room to do those easy AM tasks before youi begin your day.
- A few ideas are: Make the coffee, load the dishwasher, make your bed, reset your family room.
- Keep a list on your bedside table until this routine is a new daily habit.
When setting up your routine, aim to keep it short and manageable. Nobody wants to tackle a 2-hour routine each morning! You might be amazed at how much you can get done in just 15 minutes before anyone else wakes up.
Step #8 Avoid Procrastination
I am a notorious procrastinator. I would rather postpone a big chore in favor of the easier ones. Easy is fast. I like fast. If this sounds like you I have a little tip that just might help.
Look at your to-do list right now. Do you see things on there that have been on your list for quite a while now? Chores or projects that you dread so much that you keep skipping over them?
I like to call these little pests Back Burner Tasks.
Back Burner tasks or BBT’s are things we keep putting on the back burning telling ourselves they will get done eventually. The problem is they never really do.
Our goal now that we are becoming more productive is to get those BBT’s off our list and DONE.
How to Complete Back Burner Tasks:
- Go to your list and see if you see anything on there that resembles a Back Burner Task
- If so, BBT next to it in big bold letters.
- For the upcoming week or month pick a day on your schedule that you know is a free day. One that is free of distractions (the kids are all in school) a day that you can focus all your attention on something without interruption (hubby is at work).
- This will be your BBT day.
- Your goal is to get that BBT done and off your list.
This tip alone will get more done than you ever imagined. Why? Because getting a long overdue project or chore that has been cluttering up your head for months completed is a huge motivator and will light a fire under you so you will want to get even more done.
Seriously, just try it.
These 8 tips are all you need to turn the clutter and chaos in your mind into an actionable and productive tool. One that will guide you through your day allowing you to get more done than ever before.
Declutter your schedule with these simple living tips and you will see how easy it is to go through your days. Dump it, prioritize it, assign it, and complete it. You will be amazed at how much more you will get done every single day by doing this and how much free time you will now have to do the things you truly enjoy.
More Productivity Resources:
- How to Create the Perfect To-Do List
- Time Saving Tips for Smoother Mornings
- Goal Setting Tips You Will Love
How to Declutter Your Schedule
Too many tasks, not enough hours? These easy scheduling tips will help you free up time and finally get things done.
- File Folders or Organizers
- Binder or Accordion Folder
- Sticky Tabs or Page Flags
- Wall Calendar
- Clipboard
- Desk Organizer
- Printable To-Do Lists
- Checklists or Habit Trackers
- Motivational Stickers or Quotes (keep yourself inspired with uplifting reminders)
- Planner or Bullet Journal
- Notebook or Notepad
- Pens and Highlighters
- Digital Calendar
- Timer or Pomodoro App
- Sticky Notes
- Do a brain dump. Write down everything on your mind—tasks, deadlines, errands, and ideas.
- Highlight the most important tasks that need immediate attention. Use color-coding or symbols to separate urgent, medium-priority, and low-priority tasks for better organization.
- Instead of keeping everything on one overwhelming list, schedule each task on a specific day.
- Manage your time wisely. Estimate how long each task will take and break large projects into smaller steps.
- Avoid the habit of considering tasks "done" when they’re only 90% complete.
- Divide your day into blocks of time dedicated to specific types of tasks, such as cleaning, errands, or work projects.
- Create a morning and evening routine.
- Identify tasks that you’ve been putting off and tackle them head-on.
- Keep your brain dump list in an easily accessible spot for quick updates.
- Set time limits for tasks to prevent them from dragging on.
- Use alarms or reminders to stay accountable.
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Great article Tracy! Thank you for sharing. I really needed this right now as I’m in process of buying a homestead 2,000 miles away and really need to get this house decluttered and ready for the move in a few months. But didn’t see the printable you spoke about. 😉 I
Hi Celinia!
That is so exciting!! A new homestead and a brand new start…love that!
The printables are in the dark blue box at the very bottom of the post. I will go in a check it again to make sure it is working.
Good luck to you!
Tracy Lynn
Great job chick. I knew some of thes already but always good to have a reminder