50 Things You Can Declutter When Stuck

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Clutter and motivation never really go hand in hand, so today I have a list. Because when it comes to decluttering lists do help! I am going to give you 50 things you can declutter when stuck so you can keep going even when you really don’t want to.

Easy tips to help you towards living a simple life with a to do list that is helpful rather than overwhelming.

50 things to declutter when stuck

Sometimes we all need a little nudge. A push in the right direction.

Nowhere is that truer than when you want to declutter and clean out your home. Sometimes we look at where we are and we know “what” needs to be done, but “how” to take that first step can be a little tricky. To help, I thought I would give you a list of things you can declutter right now in your home.

This is a simple list, I know, but it is meant to be!

When you are stuck, sometimes you need something simple like a nudge to get you up and moving.

declutter right now

I am here right now with your nudge, my friend!! So if you are ready, finally ready to get some of the clutter out of your home….let’s do this!

50 Things you can declutter when overwhelm

Work you way down this list and put decluttering on auto-pilot.

1.  Trash

Trash so often is a large part of our clutter, and most of the time, we don’t even realize it. Take a trash can and walk your home looking for items you can throw away.

50 things you can declutter right now

2. Recyclables

Just like with the trash, get yourself a container and walk your home looking for paper, cardboard, pop cans, and bottles.

3.  Shopping bags

These things drive me crazy!!  A home, even a large and busy one, only needs a few bags to function that you can easily store HERE.  Take one of the bags and stuff the rest of your plastic bag collection inside. Drop your bags at the grocery store the next time you are shopping.

They usually have a box for you to put bags right where you walk in. If not, you can donate them along with your excess clothing to charity. They LOVE old bags that they can use to give out items to those that need them.

4.  Expired pills/medication

This is a decluttering task that you should do every chance of seasons. Keeping outdated medication takes up excess space and can be a health hazard. For how to dipsose of medications safely, you can read this article from the FDA on how to safely remove expired or unwanted medication. 

5.  Unmentionables

Funny how few people declutter this area of their homes. If you have socks with holes in them or underwear that has seen better days…why are you keeping them?! Take a bag right now and go through all your undergarments. Get rid of any socks or underwear you no longer wear.

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6.  Makeup

Did you know makeup expires? I know, right? I usually keep mine for ages, but if you have any that is caked up, and hasn’t been used since the 80’s, then it is time to toss it. You will be amazed at how much easier it is to get ready in the morning when you only have a few tried and true favorites to choose from.

7.  Nail polish

Nail polish is another one of those things that need to be replaced every 18-24 months. Go through your collection and start by tossing any bottles that you know are way past that time frame.

8.  Old and rusty knives

If you don’t use them because they are dull or mangled. Get rid of them.

9.  Books

I love books, and adore them actually, but even I need to stop and purge every now and then. Old textbooks, reference books, and paperbacks I haven’t looked at in years. Donate what you are not going to read more than once or you are not a fan of and free up space for the books you do love.

Declutter right now #declutter #50things

10.  Old spices

After so long spices lose their flavor so it is a good practice to replace them after a year. This is always on my September to-do list. I like to make sure I have fresh spices before the holidays come around.

11.  Craft supplies

I am sure if you are a crafter you might just be cringing right about now? But listen, if you haven’t touched it in months (or years), it’s time to let it go and move on.

12. Mittens or gloves

Only keep sets, mittens or gloves that match.

13. T-shirts

Get rid of those T-shirts you haven’t worn in ages. Donate or use as cleaning rags.

14. Expired pantry food

Check the dates on your boxed or canned items and remove the old or expired.

15. Old linens

After a while, the elastic wears out in a fitted sheet. The same holds true with sheets that contain holes or worn pillowcases. Go through what you have and remove what you no longer use.

16. Old blankets

Our home used to be overrun with blankets! We finally did a good purge and remove 10 that we no longer used. You can donate these to the local animal shelter.

17. Old swimwear

Just like with our bedsheets the elastic in our swimwear can lose its hold and shape.

18. Food you won’t eat

If you have food items your family simply will not eat that you have in your pantry, you can donate it to the food pantry.

19. Office supplies

Partial pads of paper, old greeting cards, rubber bands, and mangled file folders.

20. Stuffed animals

Most homes with children may have more of these than they care to admit. Fill up a bag and donate them to your local nursing home. Alzheimer’s patients love to snuggle with bears and will welcome your donation.

21.  Excess nick-nacks or holiday decorations

If you can’t see what you have, you have too much. Go through and donate the excess.

22. Old pet toys

Even our pets can be hoarders. Toss any old or broken toys.

23. VHS tapes

If you still have these lying around but no longer own a VHS player then it’s time to pack those babies up. You may be able to recycle these, so contact your recycling plant to see if they accept them.

24. Fridge magnets

Unless you have a meaningful collection, only keep a few of your favorites on the front of your fridge. Instead of using your fridge to hold a collection of papers, you can set up a refrigerator command center there instead.

25. Hair accessories

If you have a large collection of random hair ties, bobby pins, or barrettes sort things down to a size that is more reasonable.

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26. Old towels

Ragged and torn towels can be relocated to your garage and used for washing your car. Or, better yet, you can give them to your local animal shelter.

27. Coffee mugs

Sort things down so you can keep your favorites and donate the rest.

28. Change

Do you have coins scattered all over your home? If so, combine it all and turn it in. Why let that money sit and take up space? This is a great way to declutter right now and make money too!

29. Old cell phones

If your family is hard on phones, you may want to keep a spare around just in case. The rest you can donate. Some shelters give these to battered woman to use to call 911 if they find themselves in a life-threatening situation.

30. Flower vases

If you love fresh flowers and have them out often, having a few vases of different sizes may be good for you to keep. If not, you can donate the extras.

31. Travel mugs

You only need 1-2 per adult in your family. Choose the best and donate the rest.

32. Excess commitments

Learn to say no when a commitment takes away from your own needs. Overcluttered schedules can wreak havoc on a family. Cut back, slow down, and enjoy life.

More Time Saving Resources:

33. Old clothes

Do a little digging in your closet, I bet you can find clothes that no longer fit. Here’s a little tough love. If they are dusty, I am betting you haven’t been in them for a while. Let them go and the guilt as well.

34. Leftover paint

The color can fade or darken over time, so if it is old, it’s time to get it out. Read here on how to safely remove old paint.

35. Old candles

If you have candles that are just about used up, make a point to light them up and enjoy them. Once done you can toss or recycle the containers and free up more space.

36. Plastic food containers

If they are stained, cracked, melted, or lost their lid, this is an easy thing to declutter. Keep only what your family needs and uses.

37. Magazines

Donate excess magazines or you can recycle them.

38. Condiments

Take a look in your refrigerator and look for old bottles of condiments. Sometimes these bottles can hide in the back. Look at the expiration date and the quality of what is inside. Toss any that are no longer good.

39. Freezer burnt food

Next is your freezer. Inspect the food you have stored inside. Get rid of anything you cannot identify or covered in ice.

40. Pens and markers

This is a good project for young children to help out with. Give them a large piece of paper and check your pens and markers. Toss and that are dried up.

41. Frying pans

Non-stick frying pans that are no longer non-stick. Toss pans where the teflon is flaking.

42. Travel toiletries

If you travel, you may have a collection of hotel toiletries. I think keeping a small collection is good to have for guests or overnight trips. Anything over than that is excess and something you can donate to homeless shelters.

43. Kitchen gadgets

If you have a gadget you haven’t touched in years, donate it to someone who will use it. You will be amazed at how much space you will free up when you do.

44. Wire hangars

Wire hangars can wreak havoc on our expensive clothes. Slowly make the switch to these velvet-covered hangers. Yes, it’s an investment but your clothes will last so much longer.

45. Random electronic cords

If you have charges or cords that you do not know what they belong to, you may want to toss them. Before you do, you can do one last check trying them in the electronics you do have in your home.

a plastic container with cords stored inside

46. Cracked or chipped dishes

Not only are they unsightly, but they can harbor bacteria. Toss chipped or cracked dishes and replace them with new.

47. Old board games

I am not talking family favorites, but instead any games you haven’t touched in years.

48. Puzzles

Once you do a puzzle, give it to another so they can do it too.

49. Toys

If you have children, I highly suggest you do a toy purge every three months. This will not only keep their rooms from becoming overrun with stuff but will teach them how to keep their collections under control.

50 things to declutter right now #declutter #50things

50. Loofah

Did you know loofahs are only good for three-four weeks? By routinely replacing your loofah you will eliminate using a sponge that may have bacteria. I like to replace mine at the start of a new month. The turn of the calendar is a great way to declutter.

Tackle this list of 50 things to declutter when stuck and take that first step to cleaning out and cleaning up your home. You will be amazed at how simple it is to get started decluttering, and you will love the room you free up when you do!

More Clutter Resources:


  1. Hi Tracy.
    You have some great ideas on things to declutter. It reminds me that I need to get rid of some old books and magazines that have been building up for a while. The food is also a really good Idea – if we aren’t going to eat it give it to someone you will but don’t waste it. Sharing on social media. Have a healthy, happy & blessed day!

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