Wood ash for chickens

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Reusing things around our home is one of my favorite parts of homesteading, and this guide fits that bill. How to use wood ash for chickens will give you tips on this valuable resource and how it can benefit your flock.

Use what you have when raising chickens that are healthy and hardy to handle the cold winter weather.

wood ash for chickens

When I first started raising chickens, I did not realize how much I would learn from the older folks in my area. Sure, there are loads of books you can read, but sometimes tips from people who have learned things firsthand can’t be found in a book.

That is how I learned about wood ash and its value in different ways. From using wood ash in the garden and the compost bin, there are many uses for this amazing resource that I was not aware of.

Today, wood ash is something I look forward to collecting as it has so many benefits that we use around our homestead.

A fire buring in a family room

The Benefits of Wood Ash

Wood ash has many benefits, including absorbing odors in the coop, keeping pests off your chickens, and providing essential nutrients needed in a healthy and robust flock.

Before you start collecting ash, be sure it is the right kind. Do not use ash from wood that was chemically treated, painted, or stained.

Also, be sure any ash you use is cooled completely. Let it sit in a fireproof container for a few days before incorporating it into your coop.

Different Ways to Use Wood Ash When Raising Chickens

Clean ash has many uses with a flock, here are the most common we use. =

#1. Help With Odors

Since wood ash is alkaline, it is perfect for absorbing smells that can take over a chicken coop, especially in the winter. Sprinkle ash on the floor of your coop to neutralize any bad odors.

#2. In Dust Baths

Adding wood ash to a dust bath can be helpful in removing pests on the skin of chickens, such as mites, fleas, ticks, and lice. Read Homemade Chicken Dustbath for more tips.

A chicken in loose soil taking a dust bath

#3. To Promote Healing

Wood ash has antiseptic properties and can help heal wounds or sores on a chicken’s skin. Dust the affected area with ash to stop bleeding and help stop infection.

#4. Reduce Humidity

Wood ash can help to reduce the humidity in the coop, which can be beneficial during the winter or in wet weather. The ash will absorb excess moisture and help keep the coop dry.

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Can you feed ash to your flock?

Yes, you can feed untreated wood ash to your flock giving you a few benefits. The best ash to feed is from hardwoods such as oak, maple, and cedar.

Add wood at a 1% ration to the feed for these added benefits.

#1. Added Nutrients

Wood ash is rich in essential nutrients such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium that are crucial for a healthy flock.

#2. Reduce Ammonia

Feeding your chickens wood ash can help reduce ammonia’s smell in their manure.

a pile of cut firewood on a homestead

#3. Better layers

Wood ash can help your hens lay eggs for a longer period of time. It will also give you a better quality of egg.

#4. Control Pests

Wood ash can keep pests on your hens working from the inside out.

Incorporating wood ash into the care routine of your chickens will give you a healthier and hardier flock and a better-smelling coop. From controlling smells in the coop to improving health, you can find a few ways to reuse what you may have been throwing away.

Get more tips on how to use wood ash on the homestead.

More Chicken Care

Finding natural ways to care for your chickens can help you raise hardy hens that can handle the cold and wet weather.

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