Simple Living Ideas for Your Home

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Slowing down and cutting back is a great goal for anyone to have, no matter where they live, but how do you actually do it? This list of Simple Living Ideas for Your Home will help you get started.

Ways for living a simple life by streamlining the running and layout of your home.

Simple Living Ideas for Your Home

Life is busy and hectic and can drain your energy even before noon shows up on your clock. Wouldn’t it be nice to slow things down a bit? To remove some of the chaos and replace it with a dose of calm. If this sounds like something you may love, then stick around. This article will help you get started with easy and effective simple living ideas for your home. Things you can do to remove the crazy and bring back the calm.

What is simple living?

Simple living is a lifestyle that embraces the word “less”. Less commitments, less stuff, less stress, and less demands. It is about making conscious decisions to simplify your life and the things you have in it by decluttering your surroundings and focusing on the stuff that truly matters. By letting go you will, in turn, create time that you can use to spend with friends and family.

The goal of simple living is to reduce stress, improve quality of life, and create more space for happiness and memories.

What are the benefits of simplifying home life?

There are many reasons why having a simple home will positively impact everyone in it.

  1. Less stress. Having a cluttered and disorganized home can lead to unwanted stress and even anxiety. By simplifying your space, you’ll be able to reduce the negativity and create a more peaceful environment.
  2. More focus on what matters. With fewer distractions in your home, you’ll be able to focus more on the things that truly matter in life – quality time with loved ones, enjoying hobbies, and practicing self-care.
  3. Increased efficiency. A simplified home means less time spent searching for things or trying to work through a cluttered space. This will free up more time to focus on other tasks you enjoy, like cooking or gardening.
  4. Cost savings. By simplifying your home, you may realize that you don’t need to buy new things or upgrade existing items constantly. This can save quite a bit of money and get your household budget back on track.
  5. Better physical and mental health. A cluttered and chaotic home can contribute to feelings of overwhelm, stress, and even depression. By simplifying your space, you’ll be able to create a more peaceful and calming environment for everyone to enjoy.

Simple Living Ideas for Your Home

Let’s look at a few of the top areas in your home that simplifying will impact the most.

#1. Declutter Your Living Space

Hearing the word “declutter” can be enough to chase most people away, but wait just a minute while I explain what clutter is.

Clutter is anything that is lying out and put away.

If you can be more intentional about putting things away, the stuff that is always lying out will gradually dissipate.

Action tip: Every time you finish using an item, be intentional about putting it back where it belongs.

Woman putting wooden spoon into kitchen drawer

#2. Remove the Excess

Excess is where the real magic happens. More often than not, we have multiple items and loads of duplicates for things we really only need a few of. Take scissors, for example. If you were to scour your home from top to bottom, you would probably end up with about 10 pairs of scissors when in actuality, you only need 3-4 pairs in a home.

This simple living idea is all about removing the excess stuff and duplicates that you have, giving you more space to set up homes for the things you are going to keep.

Action tip: As you go about your day and find duplicates, see if you can remove a few and put them into the donation box in your home. This new habit will help you pare down the stuff you have, giving you a more streamlined space.

#3. Simplify Your Chores

Let’s face it, chores are not fun. However, they do have to get done, and by simplifying them a bit, you’ll be able to waste less time on them, giving you more free time to relax!

Action tip: Make a chore chart that outlines what needs to be done throughout the week. Hang this chart in a central location with some pens scattered around it. That way, when someone needs to do a chore, they can easily check off what has been done and what still needs to be accomplished.

Sharing chores is a great way to simplify your life and create more time for yourself. Instead of one person taking on all the tasks, divide them up amongst the household members. This not only lightens the load for everyone but also teaches responsibility and teamwork.

A family cleaning the house together

You can also simplify your chores by finding ways to make them more efficient. For example, instead of spending a whole day doing laundry, try doing one load every day. This way, you won’t be overwhelmed with a large pile of clothes and will have more time for other tasks or activities.

Another tip is to declutter as you clean. As you go through each room, take a few minutes to clear out any unnecessary items that may have accumulated. This will not only make cleaning easier but also help simplify your living space.

Bonus tip: Try using natural and multi-purpose cleaning products to save time and money. Instead of having multiple cleaners for different surfaces, find one product that can work on multiple areas in your home.

By simplifying your chores, you can save time and energy while also maintaining a clean and organized living space. And with more free time on your hands, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy the things that truly matter in life.

#4. Embrace Minimalistic Design

Minimalism is a growing trend that focuses on living with less and simplifying your surroundings. By embracing this concept, you can create a more peaceful and clutter-free home.

Start by getting rid of items that are no longer being used. This may be difficult at first, but it will ultimately lead to a more organized and streamlined home. You can also try incorporating storage solutions such as containers and shelves to keep items out of sight and maintain a minimalist feel.

Next, consider the layout of your home. Opt for a more open design with minimal furniture and decorations. This will not only make your living space feel bigger, but also create a calm and relaxing environment.

Action tip: Walk your home and see if there is anything you can remove, giving the room a more open feel.

Embracing minimalism can also extend to other aspects of your life, such as meal prep and daily routines. By simplifying these areas, you’ll have more time and mental space to focus on what truly matters to you.

#5. Practice Mindful Purchasing

A cluttered home often results from impulse purchases and buying items that we don’t truly need. To help, practice mindful purchasing by considering the following questions before making a purchase:

  • Do I really need this item?
  • Will it bring value to my life?
  • Can I afford it without sacrificing other important expenses?

By being mindful about your purchases, you can avoid accumulating unnecessary items and focus on investing in things that truly matter to you. Additionally, this mindset can help reduce waste and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.

Action tip: Before making a purchase, wait 24 hours and reassess if the item is still something you truly need or want.

#6. Digital Detox

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by constant notifications and distractions from our devices. Consider taking a break from technology and promote a more mindful use of your devices. Some ways to do this include:

  • Turning off notifications for nonessential apps
  • Setting designated times for checking emails and social media
  • Investing in an alarm clock instead of relying on your phone
  • Taking breaks from screens and engaging in activities that promote relaxation, such as reading or spending time outdoors

By limiting your screen time and focusing on being present in the moment, you can reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

#7. Cultivate Indoor Plants

Indoor plants can also have numerous benefits for your mental and physical health. They can improve air quality, reduce stress levels, and boost your mood. Find low-maintenance plants that suit your living space and make it part of your self-care routine to tend to them regularly.

Additionally, incorporating natural elements into your living space can create a sense of calm and relaxation. Consider adding plants, natural light, and earthy colors to your home decor to promote a more peaceful environment.

Action tip: Bring one new plant into a room that needs a lift. Work on the plants you already have and add new soil to bring fresh life.

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#8. Creating a Tranquil Space

Designate an area in your home for relaxation and self-care. This can be a quiet corner for reading, a cozy nook for sewing, or even a small room for crafting. Fill it with things that bring you joy and promote relaxation, such as soft blankets, candles, essential oils, or calming music.

Make it a habit to spend time in this space every day, whether it’s for a few minutes or an extended period. Disconnect from technology and allow yourself to unwind and recharge in this tranquil space.

a woman reading a book on a chair near to a lamp.

Action Tip: Find a space in your home that is warm and inviting. Add a chair, a warm lamp, and a cozy blanket. Make a point of spending time in this area every day, even if it’s only a few minutes.

Incorporating simple living ideas into your home can greatly improve your overall well-being. From decluttering and minimizing possessions to cultivating indoor plants and creating a tranquil space, these actions will all help reduce stress in your home. Try out a few of the action tips mentioned above and start your own amazing journey towards creating a simple living home.

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