The Simple Blogging Planner


Do you want to start a blog? This Simple Blogging Planner has over 20 planning pages to get you started.

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Are you tired of having a list of things to do and just not enough time to get it all done?

Do you feel like you are giving 150% yet you are still not getting the results you see others are getting?[spacer height=”20px”]

Are you tired of starting your day with a plan only to get sidetracked again and again so that you end up exhausted at the end of the day and still nothing is checked off your list?[spacer height=”20px”]

Do you feel like you are sprinting in place while others skyrocket past you?[spacer height=”20px”]

Imagine how good it would feel to see your blog grow in ways you never thought possible.[spacer height=”20px”]

You could turn your productivity up to 10 with this Secret To Getting More Done In Less Time.

Tracy’s Simple Blogging Planner is a lifesaver – it has a place for everything. It’s entirely inclusive of all the blogging tasks I need to keep tabs on, but to be honest I would buy this planner JUST for the blog post check list. This page single -handedly ensures that you won’t have to be editing, fixing, or re-doing anything. This saves me heaps of time and headaches! – Carly, Mommy on Purpose

Carly, from Mommy On Purpose

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Nicole, from We Talk Healthy blog.

Bloggers have a lot to do and it’s hard to remember what’s finished and what’s left undone. Tracy will keep you organized with a fool proof system. From social media posts, to guest posts, to round up posts, to everything blog related. Bloggers know what to do, but they often lack the planning to get it all done. The Simple Blogging Planner takes the guess work out of blogging. She’ll have you right where you want to be, on the road to successful blogging. Her planning system is hands down the best. This system is a cheat sheet to the details of blogging you don’t want to miss. Get Tracy’s system today and map your road to success.
– Nicole, We Talk Healthy

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I am all about simple.I am all about easy.[spacer height=”20px”]

Why?  Because, simple and easy work.[spacer height=”20px”]

Make it complicated and you start spinning your wheels.[spacer height=”20px”]

Keep it simple and you unleash the power that productivity has to offer.[spacer height=”20px”]

Yes I want to blog simply!

So what is it? [spacer height=”20px”]

What is the secret sauce to getting all your eggs in a row? [spacer height=”20px”]

The Simple Blogging Planner will help you gain focus, create a game plan and finally see the amazing results you have been working so hard for.[spacer height=”20px”]

Don’t worry, this is not your mother’s planner.  This is the last planner you will ever need![spacer height=”20px”]

You see, I get it.  I was just where you are now.  [spacer height=”20px”]

Are you giving your all but things keep falling through the cracks? Get this bogging planning helper.

I was doing everything I thought I could do to make sure I was crossing all my t’s and dotting all my i’s.[spacer height=”20px”]

I downloaded a million planners.  Tried a dozen apps.  Nothing did it.  Nothing covered all my bases.[spacer height=”20px”]

So, what did I do?[spacer height=”20px”]

I made my own.  I made the boss daddy of all planners.[spacer height=”20px”]

This is it kids, the one planner to rule them all.[spacer height=”20px”]

Here are some example of the organizational pages found in the Blogging Planner.




I am ready to blog simply! [spacer height=”30px”]

Jaime, blogger at Simple Living Mommy

Thank you for such an organized, thorough, and comprehensive blogging planner! I’ve been blogging for over a year and still found action items within your checklists that I’m not doing on a regular basis. THANK YOU for helping me to finally get my blog life organized and for streamlining so many processes for me!- Jamie, Simple Living Mommy

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Here’s what’s included:

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  • Yearly Goals
  • Monthly Planner
  • Blog to-do List, prefilled with daily, weekly and monthly tasks
  • Blog to-do List, fully customizable
  • Blog Post Brainstorming Sheet
  • Blog Post Check List-never miss an important step again!
  • Social Media Tracker
  • Pinterest Board Summary Sheet
  • Pinterest Pin Tracker
  • Facebook Group Promo Schedule
  • Blog Hops and Link Parties
  • Guest Post Tracker
  • Sales Sheet
  • Affiliate Sales Sheet
  • Monthly Income/Expense Tracker
  • Yearly Income/Expense Sheet
  • Stock Photos Tracker Sheet
  • Blog Stats Tracker
  • Tracker Sheet
  • Password Cheat Sheet

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Patty from Fun Family Living

Tracy’s Simple Blogging Planner is a perfect tool for organizing your blog! She has thought of everything that is essential for your blog to grow. When I started blogging I used several notebooks and I felt so unorganized. This planner keeps everything in one place which saves your precious time. Everything you need to succeed is in this planner!
– Patty, Fun Family Living

[spacer height=”20px”]Click here to get help blogging. [spacer height=”20px”]

I love Tracy’s blogging planner. Especially the content planner – it has revolutionized how I plan out my posts (and I’ve been blogging for 6+ years!). I highly recommend that you pick up this planner!
– Sue, Successful Blogging

Sue from Successful Blogging

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Every page builds on the other.  They are members of a team.  A team designed to take your blog in to the next level. The my blog is going to kick your blog’s butt, level. [spacer height=”20px”]

Instead of watching others get the success you want, now you can get it too.[spacer height=”20px”] Don't be part of the pack, be the leader. Get this Simple Blogging Planner.

[spacer height=”20px”]I want blogs chasing your success.  Success you earn by working smarter not harder with focus and intention.[spacer height=”20px”]

So, are you ready?[spacer height=”20px”]

Are you ready to finally do this and reach your goals once and for all?[spacer height=”20px”]

Let’s do this!![spacer height=”20px”]

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Nadalie, It's All You Boo

Tracy’s Simple Blogging Planner has been incredibly helpful to keeping me organized. Thanks to Tracy and her amazing printables I am able to both plan my social media strategy and track my growth. My favorite are her Pinterest printables, I use them every single day. Thanks Simple Living Country Gal, you’re the best!
– Nadalie, It’s All You Boo

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The Simple Blog Planner is my go to resource to keep track of my blogging activities. The Blog Post Check List is a handy dandy resource that is useful to make sure your blog posts are optimized and ready for your readers. I also love the Brainstorming Sheet, as I always doodle my random thoughts and have to later go back and organize them. The Brainstorming Sheet keeps everything organized and helps my thoughts flow better.
If you are looking for a way to organize the gazillion things that must be done in your blogging business, I highly recommend The Simple Blog Planner.
– Adrien, The Work From Home Mom

Adrien, The Work From Home Mom blogger.

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Get Your Simple Blogging Planner

Wouldn’t it be great if you were finally able to check things off of your to-do list every day?  If you were able to get more things done in less time.  To wake up ready to tackle the day because you know you have a game plan.[spacer height=”30px”]

Get your blog started with The Simple Blogging Planner.

Finally, a planner that gets you the results you have been looking for! Plus you even get a custom made page for exactly what you need! Boom